Month: June 2019

Research Headlines – Resilient cities in the face of climate change

Climate change has big and long-term impacts on cities. EU-funded research aims to increase resilience, improving cities’ capacity to anticipate, prepare for, respond to and recover from related events such as droughts and heavy rain – protecting key infrastructure and lives. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Extensive tests to steer the future of self-driving cars

A thousand drivers will soon be taking to Europe’s roads behind the wheels of self-driving cars – as part of an EU-funded project to test the safety and efficiency of automated driving. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Smarter water is the solution for better management

By applying smarter water-management methods, EU-funded research has helped to ensure that high-quality drinking water continues to flow from our taps, water loss is minimised, and energy use is optimised. Powered by WPeMatico

Speaking points by Commissioner Thyssen on the 2019 European Semester Spring Package

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 5 June 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, The real novelty of this year’s European Semester exercise is that we deepen our focus on investment. By identifying investment priorities for each Member State, we operationalise how we want to streamline the use of…

Who will live and work in the EU in 2060?

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis have launched a joint report on the future demographics of the EU. Powered by WPeMatico

TALIA launches the Social&Creative Contest for Young Videomakers

The Interreg MED horizontal project TALIA – Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge InnovAtion launches the Social&Creative Contest, a competition addressed to young videomakers and their ability to describe the nuances and declinations of creativity and social innovation in the Mediterranean, thus giving voice to the protagonists’ stories and emotions and represent

Events – YES! EUSDR. Youth – Entrepreneurship – Science – 26 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania

Business environment is specified by a high innovation tempo, the use of cross-sector technologies and changes in the labour market. Basis for doing successful business is to combine knowledge on the market with unique solutions, generated by scientific work. Entrepreneurial education needs to be included in curricula of much more

Events – Young Researchers Event: Ebrains – A platform for collaboration in digital neuroscience – 9 July 2019, Belgrade, Serbia

The human brain is a multi-level and highly complex system that produces, processes and transmits information in an incomparable manner. Researchers and scientists from all over the world strive to decode the mechanisms underlying this unique system. The European Human Brain Project plays a pioneering role in neuroscience research, uniting

Research Headlines – Addressing the danger of space debris

Human-made space junk falls onto Earth every year, with some of it posing a threat to both people and property. An EU-funded project is developing new space debris mitigation guidelines and a web-based tool to address this danger. Powered by WPeMatico