Day: June 22, 2019

Research Headlines – A big step for hydrogen fuel cells in cars

The launch of hydrogen fuel cell-powered cars is being held back by several barriers. An EU and industry-funded project removed one such hurdle by developing a prototype fuel cell that meets all industrial specifications. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Smarter LED lights that are better for our health

An EU-funded project is developing smart luminaires that are customised, have longer lifespans, and can improve our moods and productivity. This could make us healthier and boost the competitiveness and eco-friendliness of Europe’s lighting industry. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – 11th World conference of Science Journalists – 1-5 July 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland

The European Union’s stand number 2 is the place to learn more about the role of science and research in the EU. From “Dieselgate” to terrorist attacks, from climate change to regulating social media and the digital economy – scientific research underpins EU policies across the board. With its EUR10bln