Day: May 30, 2019

Events – IGLO Annual reception 2019 – 12 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The IGLO network would like to invite you to the 2019 Annual Reception on Wednesday 12th June at 17:45 (registration will start at 17:15). Special guest and keynote speaker this year will be Deputy Director General Ms Signe Ratso of European Commission for Research and Innovation. Please register before May

Events – EU Sustainable Energy Week side event: Smart Regions – Smart Solutions – 19 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Together with its working groups, ERRIN will host a side event during European Sustainable Energy Week considering how the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, can deliver on support the decarbonisation of our energy and transport systems. Mobilising the power of Europe’s research and innovation ecosystems

Research Headlines – Top marks for plastic bottle recycling system

An EU-funded project developed new plastic bottle marking, identification and sorting technology, facilitating the separation and reuse of packaging that has been used for food and drink. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – EIC, Missions and Clusters: A Threefold Perspective to Empower Innovation – 13 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Clusters approach, R&I Missions, European Innovation Council: three of the most debated issues in the Brussels R&I arena will become a reality as Horizon Europe is launched. APRE will bring together high-level European Commission representatives and a selected number of R&I actors to raise awareness and facilitate an exchange of

Have your say on the evaluation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

The Commission has launched a public consultation on the roadmap of the evaluation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) and needs your feedback until 24 June. Powered by WPeMatico