Day: May 22, 2019

Research Headlines – Getting ready for the 5G ‘revolution’

The introduction of 5G networks looks set to revolutionise mobile communications and will play a major role in building a connected Europe. EU-funded research is developing a new generation of wireless infrastructure to ensure that people, business and industry can make the most of this technological advance. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Protect minor cereals – they may return the favour

Can you name three types of grain? Einkorn, emmer and spelt, and even oats or rye may not be the first that spring to mind. And yet, rekindling the interest in these traditional crops would benefit the environment and our health, say EU-funded researchers. Powered by WPeMatico

Selection results: Distribution Automatic Support 2018

Selection results for the call Distribution Automatic Support 2018 – Call EACEA/05/2018 have now been published. Find the selection results here. Powered by WPeMatico