Day: March 23, 2019

Research Headlines – New materials remove emerging organic pollutants from water

Emerging pollutants are chemicals that are difficult to remove from effluents during waste-water treatment. An EU-funded project has developed novel materials for use in innovative integrated water treatments to remove these pollutants, leading to cleaner and safer water. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Accelerating antimatter research

An EU-funded project is probing antimatter, one of nature’s great mysteries. In doing so, it is advancing technical developments in this research area, contributing to Europe’s fundamental scientific knowledge and helping us understand the origins of the universe. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Assessing risks to limit damage from climate change

Extreme weather events due to climate change cause damage to people, assets and property. EU-funded project H2020_INSURANCE is combining climate services with destruction information to create an open-source computer programme which estimates and reduces the losses caused by such disasters. Powered by WPeMatico