Day: March 15, 2019

Events – Inspired by Nature: Combining Natural and Engineered Systems in Water Management – 9 April 2019, Berlin, Germany

The Horizon 2020 project AquaNES will present their innovations in cooperation with BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues, the leading platform for exchange on water-related issues, based in Berlin. During the conference each of the 13 AquaNES projects will be presented in various ways: there will be lectures, interactive workshops with

Research Headlines – Advanced molecular technique boosts cancer research

After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is the second leading cause of death and morbidity in European countries and is one of the most significant health challenges worldwide. An EU-funded project is developing new tools for diagnosing cancer and for understanding the role of proteins in this and other major diseases. Powered

Research Headlines – Camelina, crambe and prized fatty acids: food for thought

Special fatty acids from tropical crops are used in many chemical products derived from vegetable oils. As a result, EU manufacturers are exposed to import price fluctuations. We could source these acids from home-grown crops instead, say EU-funded researchers whose work could help boost competitiveness. Powered by WPeMatico