Day: March 14, 2019

Events – Enabling health equality in Europe – the role of health research – 6 May 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission’s Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) is a science-led expert group based on the provisions of the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme, which is tasked with helping to achieve better health and wellbeing for all. The Panel’s main roles are to provide foresight and overall vision and strategy, as

Research Headlines – Solar fuel turns to plants for inspiration

An ‘artificial leaf’ being developed by EU-funded researchers to produce fuel from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, could tackle soaring global energy demands, the growing impact of climate change, and dwindling supplies of fossil fuels. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Better support when it gets harder to see, hear or think

Your hearing’s shot, your memory is playing up, and your eyesight isn’t what it used to be… Many of us will develop two or more of these impairments as we age. Their combined effect on older persons’ ability to cope is greater than the sum of its parts, say EU-funded