Day: March 5, 2019

Research Headlines – Top results from quasi-experimental ‘participatory action research’

Long-term vision, high-level endorsement and participation, and tailored forms of international scientific collaboration are key to overcoming widespread fragmentation and improving service quality ‘and’ health outcomes in Latin America. This is the overriding conclusion of an international research team backed by the European Union. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Light-sensitive molecules for new disease therapies

Peptidomimetics are small molecules that mimic short natural proteins – peptides – and produce the same effects as their natural counterparts. An EU-funded project is developing peptidomimetics that can alternate between biologically active and inactive forms when exposed to light. The technique could lead to new light-controlled drugs which can

Research Headlines – Eco-friendly replacement for plastic bags in the pipeline

The problem of plastic pollution has grown to devastating proportions. EU-funded research is supporting the development and large-scale production of an eco-friendly replacement for plastic bags that should help significantly reduce plastic waste. Powered by WPeMatico