Month: February 2019

Events – 2nd European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving – 2-3 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission, with the support of the EC-funded project ARCADE, is pleased to announce its Second European Conference on connected and automated driving: ‘Connected Automated Driving: Europe takes the lead’ The deployment of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) can contribute significantly to our policy goals of bringing down the

Events – Building sustainable value chains for the bio-based industry – 28 February 2019, Mainz, Germany

Looking towards the project’s end, the BIOrescue consortium is pleased to invite all interested stakeholders, including partners from other biorefinery projects, to join them in a dedicated workshop to be held in the morning of 28 February in Mainz, Germany, to discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the exploitation

Events – Science Café with Vojtěch Adam – 28 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Vojtěch Adam is a recognized scientist in the field chemistry and biochemistry and he is an expert in the application of advanced materials in the biology. He particularly deals with metallothioneins, proteins with the ability to bind metals, with unique structure rich in cysteines. He and his research team believe

Research Headlines – Helping EU agriculture manage water and nutrient limitations

European farmers need to meet increasing crop demand while reducing fertiliser use and adapting to changing rainfall patterns. The EU-funded SOLACE project will provide new crop varieties and innovations in management to help them use water and nutrients more efficiently. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Ageing, stem cells and a propensity to cancer

With the support of Russia’s Almazov Medical Research Centre, the EU-funded SyStemAge project studied the molecular mechanisms of ageing in adult stem cells, the results of which indicate that the intervention of metabolic pathways could correct age-related alterations and diseases. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Group of Chief Scientific Advisors leads a discussion “Clutching at Straws: Science Advice, Uncertainty, and Global Microplastic Pollution” – 15 February 2019, Washington DC, USA

On 15th February 2019, the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors will lead a session at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – “Clutching at Straws: Science Advice, Uncertainty, and Global Microplastic Pollution” . The session will bring together scientific experts from Europe,

Events – The International Dimension of Microplastic Pollution: G7 Scientific Advice Cooperation – 13 February 2019, Washington DC, USA

On 13th February 2019 in Washington DC, the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors will co-host with Canada’s Chief Science Advisor and France’s G7 Presidency a round-table discussion among Chief Scientific Advisors or their equivalents from G7 members on “What meaningful and robust scientific advice to government is possible

Transparent and predictable working conditions: Commission welcomes provisional agreement

The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council have reached a provisional agreement on the European Commission’s proposal for a new directive to create more transparent and predictable working conditions, in particular for workers in non-standard forms of employment. Powered by WPeMatico

Transparent and predictable working conditions: Commissioner Thyssen welcomes the provisional agreement

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 7 February 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to announce that early this morning – the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission – reached a provisional agreement that will provide workers across Europe with transparent and predictable working conditions. Powered

Transparent and predictable working conditions: Commission welcomes the provisional agreement reached today

European Commission – Statement Brussels, 7 February 2019 Today, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council have reached a provisional agreement on the European Commission’s proposal for a new Directive to create more transparent and predictable working conditions, in particular for workers in non-standard forms of employment. Powered