Month: February 2019

EU’s EPALE platform reaches 50,000 users!

EACEA is happy to announce that in February 2019 the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) reached 50,000 registered users! Thousands of adult learning professionals now visit the platform every month to find support or inspiration. The hard work of EPALE’s 38 national teams across Europe has helped achieve

Research Headlines – Tools to help Europe’s wine industry adapt to climate change

An EU-funded project is developing a decision support system integrating weather forecasting, seasonal predictions, climate projections, crop planning, irrigation modelling and other information to help the southern European wine industry adapt to climate change and remain competitive. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – A natural alternative to plastic is coming to a product near you

Extremely efficient to use, bringing about improvements in several industries and products, giving industry a tool to enhance performance… and all of this from sustainably sourced trees. Microfibrillated cellulose, a remarkable natural material that can replace oil-based products in industries as diverse as construction, cosmetics and agriculture, is now entering

Research Headlines – Super-resolution microscope gives better insight into cells

An EU-funded project to develop a super-resolution microscope platform capable of visualising DNA, mRNA and proteins in living cells could advance regenerative medicine, potentially leading to breakthroughs in replacing or restoring diseased or malfunctioning human cells, tissues or organs. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Cities go back to nature to tackle climate challenges

Cities need to develop inclusive, smart and sustainable solutions to climate and water-related challenges. Using nature to solve these challenges can bring multiple benefits. The EU-funded Urban Nature Labs (UNALAB) project is taking a citizen-driven approach to developing innovative, nature-based solutions in different urban environments. Powered by WPeMatico

DE – FR Guidelines available for the Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects’ Call

The Guidelines in German and French are now available for the Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects Call EACEA 36/2018.  Please find them here. You can apply until 19 March 2019, 12:00 CET (noon) Brussels time! Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Arctic models to inform North Hemisphere weather forecasts

What warming of the Arctic will mean for ecosystems and communities inside the Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere is uncertain. An EU-funded project aims to better describe, model and predict climate extremes in the region and to develop more accurate long-term forecast systems for the Northern Hemisphere. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Better weather prediction to confront climate change

An EU-funded project aims to better predict when and how severe weather will affect Europe, Asia and North America, enabling people on these continents to mitigate the adverse effects on their health and economies. Powered by WPeMatico