Day: February 27, 2019

Events – Supporting effective ocean governance. The role of Responsible R&I and Ocean Literacy – 18-20 March 2019, Brussels, Belgium

#OceanDialogues2019 is a joint event between the H2020 research projects MARINA and ResponSEAble – in cooperation with the European Parliament – SEARICA intergroup & IOC-UNESCO – on the role of *Ocean Literacy* and *Responsible Research and Innovation* in supporting effective Ocean Governance. The aim of the 2019 Ocean Dialogues is

Events – Transition to fossil-free industries: technology pathways and policies – 18 March 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Technology pathways and roadmaps towards decarbonisation are emerging in sectors such as steel, plastics, and other sectors. The role of electrification, of hydrogen, circular and biogenic carbon utilisation, CCUS and new interdependencies between sectors are salient features of such pathways and for re-industrializing Europe. The event will take stock of

Events – INFRASTAR Training School – 8-12 April 2019, Nantes, France

The INFRASTAR (Innovation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures – Training for Assessment of Risk) training school aims to provide lectures and hands-on trainings to Master and PhD students, early-stage researchers, young professionals in order to be well aware of all aspects of asset management of civil

Events – ARCHIVER Open Market Consultation – 8 April 2019, Geneva, Switzerland

With a total procurement budget of 3.4 million euros, the ARCHIVER project ( will use a Pre-Commercial Procurement approach to competitively procure R&D services from firms in three stages covering design, prototyping and pilot, over the next 3 years (Jan 2019 – Dec 2021). An Open Market Consultation (OMC) event

Events – Envisioning the Port of the Future: the 2030 horizon – 4 April 2019, Trieste, Italy

Docks the Future Mid Term Conference is titled “Envisioning the Port of the Future: the 2030 horizon” and will be held in Trieste on 4th April 2019. The objective of the DocksTheFuture Midterm conference is two-fold: on the one hand the goal is to communicate the first project results and,

EU Aid Volunteers Infoday: Registration open until 21 March

Registration for the EU Aid Volunteers Infoday on 25 March 2019 is now open. Find more details and the registration link on the event page. Registration will close on 21 March. Powered by WPeMatico

60 Million Euros now available for the European Universities Projects’ call EAC/A03/2018

Additional funds were allocated for the Erasmus+ European Universities Projects’ call EAC/A03/2018 with the Amendment of the 2019 annual work programme for the implementation of Erasmus+ (C(2019) 997) of 15 February 2019. Powered by WPeMatico