Day: February 15, 2019

Events – FISA 2019 and EURADWASTE ’19 – 4-7 June 2019, Pitesti, Romania

The European Commission is co-organising the FISA 2019 and EURADWASTE ’19 conferences with the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Romania and the Institute for Nuclear Research (RATEN ICN) under the auspices of the Romanian Presidency of the EU in 2019. The event will be held on 4 to 7

Events – NUGENIA FORUM 2019 – 13-15 March 2019, Paris, France

The NUGENIA Forum 2019 will be held on 13-15 March 2019 at the Cité Universitaire of Paris, France. It will be devoted to discussions on the technical and scientific milestones to be tackled to ensure competitive, efficient and safe production of low CO2 electricity from GEN II, GEN III and

Research Headlines – The economics of climate change adaptation, and uncertainty

What measures could we take in view of the likely effects of climate change? How would they play out in economic terms? And how do we decide on investments, given that we do not know how pronounced the change will be? An EU-funded project has produced tools and guidance to

Research Headlines – Collaboration in the clinical neurosciences

A number of cutting-edge neuroscience methods have tremendous potential to help patients suffering from disorders of the nervous system. An EU-funded project is working to facilitate collaborative research, with the aim of better understanding cognitive impairments and improving patient outcomes. Powered by WPeMatico

Fair labour mobility: Commission welcomes agreement on the European Labour Authority

European Commission – Statement Strasbourg, 14 February 2019 Today, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Commission’s proposal to establish a European Labour Authority (ELA). President Juncker first announced a European Labour Authority in September 2017. Powered by WPeMatico

Question and Answers on the European Labour Authority

European Commission – Fact Sheet Strasbourg, 14 February 2019 Today, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Commission’s proposal to establish a European Labour Authority (ELA). See also a statement here. Powered by WPeMatico