Day: February 14, 2019

Research Headlines – Creating workable scenarios to deal with climate change

It is widely accepted that the climate is changing and that the impact of this is likely to be severe. EU-funded research has proposed various pathways for adapting to climate change through an integrated and cross-sector approach. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Prosthetics with natural sensations for lower-limb amputees

An EU-funded project is building on the development of an upper-limb prosthesis controlled by the nervous system, which restores amputees’ natural sensations and intuitive limb control. The aim is to create and market a similar solution for people who have lost lower limbs. Powered by WPeMatico

EU’s EPALE platform reaches 50,000 users!

EACEA is happy to announce that in February 2019 the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) reached 50,000 registered users! Thousands of adult learning professionals now visit the platform every month to find support or inspiration. The hard work of EPALE’s 38 national teams across Europe has helped achieve