Day: February 9, 2019

Research Headlines – Arctic models to inform North Hemisphere weather forecasts

What warming of the Arctic will mean for ecosystems and communities inside the Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere is uncertain. An EU-funded project aims to better describe, model and predict climate extremes in the region and to develop more accurate long-term forecast systems for the Northern Hemisphere. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Better weather prediction to confront climate change

An EU-funded project aims to better predict when and how severe weather will affect Europe, Asia and North America, enabling people on these continents to mitigate the adverse effects on their health and economies. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – 2nd European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving – 2-3 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission, with the support of the EC-funded project ARCADE, is pleased to announce its Second European Conference on connected and automated driving: ‘Connected Automated Driving: Europe takes the lead’ The deployment of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) can contribute significantly to our policy goals of bringing down the

Events – Building sustainable value chains for the bio-based industry – 28 February 2019, Mainz, Germany

Looking towards the project’s end, the BIOrescue consortium is pleased to invite all interested stakeholders, including partners from other biorefinery projects, to join them in a dedicated workshop to be held in the morning of 28 February in Mainz, Germany, to discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the exploitation

Events – Science Café with Vojtěch Adam – 28 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Vojtěch Adam is a recognized scientist in the field chemistry and biochemistry and he is an expert in the application of advanced materials in the biology. He particularly deals with metallothioneins, proteins with the ability to bind metals, with unique structure rich in cysteines. He and his research team believe