Month: January 2019

Research Headlines – A blueprint for accelerating research collaborations

International collaboration is a driving force behind innovation, but for cooperation to occur effectively researchers must be able to securely and efficiently share resources, data and knowledge. An EU-funded project is proposing technical solutions and guidance to achieve unprecedented international interoperability between research communities. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – WaveRoller – turning waves into electricity

Finnish firm AW-Energy is tapping into wave power as a clean energy source. A loan supported by the InnovFin-EU finance for innovators initiative under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme and extended by the European Investment Bank has helped it bring its WaveRoller device to the commercialisation phase. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Mushroom compost: a rich source of bio-product innovation

A project funded by the BBI JU under Horizon 2020 is developing innovative technologies that will enable mushroom farms to turn compost into novel bio-based products such as natural pesticides, cutting fossil fuel use and positioning the sector at the heart of Europe’s circular economy. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Global connections strengthen research collaboration

Tools, technologies and human connections developed in an EU-funded project are fostering collaboration opportunities for researchers globally, aiding mobility and providing seamless access to knowledge and resources across the academic world. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Satellites reveal undersea landscapes

Conventional methods of mapping the sea floor are slow and expensive. EU-funded researchers used satellite-derived techniques combined with crowd-sourced depth soundings to map large areas quickly and at lower cost. Powered by WPeMatico

Erasmus+: Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects in the Fields of Education and Training

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organizing a web streaming session to explain funding opportunities available under the Erasmus+ Key Action 3:  Support for policy reform – Initiatives for Policy Innovation –  Powered by WPeMatico

REMINDER – 3rd closing on 31st January

We strongly recommend you to send us your request well in advance as SYNERGIE CTE can be slow and it might take at least 24 hours to create your proposal. Here is a guide to help you with your request and the submission of your proposal: Synergie guide for the

Research Headlines – Restoring the genetic diversity of key food crops

The EU-funded project G2P-SOL is gathering, improving and disseminating genetic and phenotypic information on key food crops like potato and tomato. This information can be used in farming to improve the productivity of such crops and provide healthier food. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Tasty and nutritious food for senior citizens

As a person ages, their appetite and physical capacity to eat can diminish. To prevent malnutrition among senior citizens and make eating a pleasure for them, an EU-funded project has developed tasty fruit- and vegetable-based foods adapted to their health needs. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Personalised medicine for disease prevention

Medical practitioners are increasingly adopting a ‘personalised medicine’ (PM) approach involving individually tailored patient care. An EU-funded project is fostering collaboration on PM research and training, with special emphasis on the prevention of chronic diseases. Powered by WPeMatico