Month: January 2019

Indexation of family benefits: Speaking points of Commissioner Thyssen on the launch of the infringement procedure against Austria

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 24 January 2019 Ladies and gentlemen,   Today the Commission has opened an infringement procedure against Austria for introducing indexation of child benefits and family tax reductions. Powered by WPeMatico

Indexation of family benefits: Commission opens infringement procedure against Austria

European Commission – Press release Brussels, 24 January 2019 Today, the Commission decided to send a letter of formal notice to Austria. It concerns new legislation under which EU citizens working in Austria face an indexation of their family benefits and family tax reductions when their children reside abroad. Powered

Events – Open access, Scientific Publishing and Plan S – 5 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium

In a written statement on 4 September 2018, Carlos Moedas called for a coordinated effort at the European level to make progress in the transition to open access to scientific publications. Plan S is among the numerous initiatives designed to achieve this goal. During this event, we wish to give

Research Headlines – Human-machine cooperation in healthcare

People are increasingly interacting with intelligent technology, as the real and digital worlds become intertwined. An EU-funded project is working to bring new forms of human-machine collaboration into real-life educational settings for healthcare providers that will benefit students, trainers and patients. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Connecting public transport ticketing in Europe

An EU-funded project could make it possible for people to pay for public transport across Europe with the smartcard or app they use to hop on buses or trams at home, transforming and facilitating cross-border travel. Powered by WPeMatico

Statement by Commissioner Thyssen on the 25th anniversary of the EU Agency for Health and Safety at Work

European Commission – Statement Brussels, 23 January 2019 marks the 25th birthday of the European Union Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in Bilbao. Celebrating the occasion, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, said: “In the past twenty five years,… Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Coordinators’ Day on Grant Agreement Preparation – 22 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium

On 22 February 2019 the European Commission will organise a “Coordinators’ Day on Grant Agreement Preparation” for coordinators of successful proposals. The purpose of this event is to explain the details on the preparation and signature of grant agreements. It will take place at the Charlemagne building in Brussels from

Research Headlines – Ramping up connectivity in remote regions

Drones, small satellites and smart software are set to enhance connectivity in some of the world’s harshest environments thanks to an EU-funded project enabling innovative applications for Internet of Things devices such as polar climate sensors. Powered by WPeMatico