Day: November 22, 2018

Research Headlines – Assessing the risks of passive vaping and second-hand smoke

While the harmful effects of smoking are well-documented, the impact of second-hand smoke and e-cigarette vapour are still being determined. An EU-funded project aims to improve understanding, inform policy and reduce the economic and healthcare burden caused by exposure to these emissions. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Engineering vaccines to protect farm animals from infection

An EU-funded project is using synthetic biology techniques to design broad-spectra vaccines against mycoplasmas and viral infections in farm animals. By designing a growth medium without animal components and developing a platform to engineer new vaccines, the project will give the EU livestock industry a much-needed boost. Powered by WPeMatico

Catching public pressure on marine litter

An estimated € 630 million is spent each year cleaning beaches and coastal areas across the EU. A workshop by the Clean Sea LIFE project at the European Parliament gave the fishing community and port authorities a platform to explain how marine litter affects them, and what solutions are possible.

Speaking points by Commissioner Thyssen on the presentation of the European Semester Autumn Package

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 21 November 2018 Ladies and gentlemen, Europe is in a phase of solid economic growth and improving labour markets. Yet, faced with increasing uncertainty, we must not relax our reform efforts. The positive trend of employment growth is continuing. Powered by