Day: October 27, 2018

Events – Solar PV energy conference: the impact of EU R&D funding – 14 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

A conference on solar PV renewable energy research, development and technologies will be taking place in Brussels on 14 November 2018. This event will aim to provide insights into the impacts of R&D funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation. It will present the Solar PV Renewable

Events – Hydropower conference: the impact of EU R&D funding – 8 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

A hydropower research conference will take place in Brussels on 8 November 2018. The event will offer an opportunity to discuss the impacts of R&D funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation. It will present the Hydropower R&D Impact Report and recommendations to increase future R&D impacts.

Events – Wind energy conference: the impact of EU R&D funding – 7 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

On 7 November 2018 a conference on wind energy research will take place in Brussels. The event aims to provide insights into the impacts of R&D funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, present the Wind Energy R&D Impact Report and offer an opportunity to influence the

Research Headlines – Body-worn camera comes on stream

Body-worn video cameras are being adopted by police and security forces around the world. Thanks to an EU-funded project, an SME has brought to market a live-streaming camera that sets new standards for security and functionality. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Breaking: bad news for illegal drug makers

An EU-funded project is helping law enforcement agencies locate and eliminate the illegal production of stimulant drugs by taking miniaturised sensing and sampling technology underground and into the sewers. Reducing the flow of illegal drugs is essential to protecting Europe’s security and people’s health. Powered by WPeMatico

Silencing underwater noise for sustainable oceans

The sustainability of our seas will be at the top of the global political agenda when the Our Ocean conference takes place next week. The LIFE programme is making a positive impact on the marine environment, with projects tackling pressures and threats identified in the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive,