Day: October 25, 2018

Events – Webinar Batteriespeicher – 6 November 2018, Germany

Am 6. November 2018 bieten die vier Nationalen Kontaktstellen Energie, Nanotechnologie, Verkehr und Werkstoffe ein gemeinsames Webinar zum Horizont 2020 Call „Batteriespeicher“ mit der Abgabefrist am 25. April 2019. Das Webinar von 09:00 bis 10:30 Uhr richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Antragstellung in einem der Batteriespeicher-Themen aus

Events – Roundtable event: “Building the roadmap to outcomes-based cancer care” – 6 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

This is a roundtable event to share the results of the ECCO-CODE joint research project on pragmatic outcome measurement and to chart a path forward for policy makers in respect to achieving the promise of outcomes based healthcare. • Learn more about the immediate available steps to advance outcomes based payment

Research Headlines – New tools target better crisis response across borders

Effective crisis response depends on agencies making sense of rapidly changing situations, but Europe remains ill-prepared for such scenarios. An EU-funded project is tackling this by improving planning, information sharing and coordination. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Keeping large crowds safe from attacks

An EU-funded project aims to tighten security at mass gatherings by providing a range of tools for policymakers and law-enforcement agencies. This should help prevent criminal acts and keep crowds safe. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Helping law enforcement to make more of innovation

New technologies play a major role in almost all aspects of modern life. The area of law enforcement is no exception. An EU-funded project is helping law-enforcement organisations to identify, evaluate and adopt relevant, cutting-edge technologies that show the greatest potential to support police work. Powered by WPeMatico

Selection results: The Distribution “Selective Scheme” EACEA/12/2017

Selection results for the call for proposals The Distribution “Selective Scheme” (EACEA/12/2017) have been published. Find the results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: Commission welcomes support for dismissed workers in Portugal

The Commission welcomes that the European Parliament and the Council approved €4.7 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 730 displaced workers in the Portuguese clothing sector of Portuguese regions Centro, Norte and Lisbon to find new jobs. Powered by WPeMatico

Op zaterdag 6-10 vond in het Duitse Grieth met oa @HANnl als partner het @INTERREGTweets KRAKE-festival plaats, hoogtepunt kennisuitwisseling rond leefbaarheid in dorpen aan beide kanten van de grens. Lees het verslag… …

Op zaterdag 6-10 vond in het Duitse Grieth met oa @HANnl als partner het @INTERREGTweets KRAKE-festival plaats, hoogtepunt kennisuitwisseling rond leefbaarheid in dorpen aan beide kanten van de grens. Lees het verslag… … Powered by WPeMatico