Day: October 16, 2018

European Capital of Innovation Award – Six cities reach the final stage of the 2018 European Capital of Innovation contest

Six cities championing outstanding innovation strategies to improve the lives of citizens and business entered the final stage of this year’s European Capital of Innovation contest funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – SET-Plan conference 2018 – R&I driving the energy transition to 2050 – 19-21 November 2018, Vienna, Austria

This year’s SET-Plan conference will take stock of progress on the SET-Plan implementation and aims to identify how research and innovation at European and national level with public and private funds contributes to the EU’s energy transition. The plenary discussions will address the challenges towards the objectives for 2030 and

Events – Social investment in affordable and quality long-term care. Theory, challenges and applications – 30 October 2018, Brussels

The conference on “Social investment in affordable and quality long-term care. Theory, challenges and applications” will take place on the 30th of October 2018, from 14:00 to 17:00, at the European Parliament, in Brussels. The SPRINT consortium is inviting policy makers, researchers, care providers and other key stakeholders, to discuss

Research Headlines – Solving the sand challenge for desert railways

EU-funded researchers are developing solutions to shelter train tracks from wind-blown sand, combining architectural, engineering and mathematical modelling innovations to improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and protect billions of euros’ worth of railway infrastructure. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – 4th Science Forum: Science for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework – 23-24 November 2018, Sharm el-Sheikh, Arab Republic of Egypt

This event takes place during the 14th Conference of the Parties on the Convention on Biodiversity and it is organised by the European Commission, the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), and the Secretariat of the CBD. The objective of this Science-Policy dialogue would be to bring together and engage