Day: October 3, 2018

Events – EBN TechCamp – 22-23 October 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands

The EBN TechCamp is the main EBN technical event where incubation and acceleration practitioners from EU|BICs all over Europe and beyond come together for mutual learning, experience exchange and enhancement of technical know-how. The 8th EBN TechCamp is organised in partnership with ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), on the 22-23 November

Events – Science Café with Tomáš Jungwirth – 23 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Tomáš Jungwirth is a recognized scientist in the field of Spintronics that is behind the virtually unlimited data storage on the internet. The fields of expertise of Tomáš Jungwirth are condensed matter physics, materials science, electronic properties of nanostructures, quantum Hall effects, ferromagnetic, and antiferromagnetic spintronic devices. Recently, Tomáš Jungwirth

Research Headlines – Taming the tsunami of mobile data

Data drives the internet as we know it. Getting it from one place to another, fast and unfettered, is one of the greatest challenges facing networks as the growth in video and other heavy applications show no signs of abating. European and Taiwanese network experts joined forces to prepare for

Reducing the carbon footprint of energy-intensive industries

Energy-intensive industries are responsible for a large share of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. This means they have a key role to play in implementing the EU’s roadmap to decarbonisation. Powered by WPeMatico

El #PladeGovern de la @gencat no demostra gaire interès per la política #transfronterera, hi passa de puntetes, per quedar bé i poca cosa més. No s’esmenta ni l’@Euroregion, ni #Interreg ni és planteja l’establiment com cal de l’#Eurodistricte. Una llàstima, oi @puigbertjosep?

El #PladeGovern de la @gencat no demostra gaire interès per la política #transfronterera, hi passa de puntetes, per quedar bé i poca cosa més. No s’esmenta ni l’ @Euroregion, ni #Interreg ni és planteja l’establiment com cal de l’ #Eurodistricte. Una llàstima, oi @puigbertjosep? Powered by WPeMatico

Gute Nachrichten aus Tallinn: Aus 114 Anträgen sind 31 Projekte ausgewählt worden, die zukünftig die Entwicklung des Ostseeraum stimulieren… …

Gute Nachrichten aus Tallinn: Aus 114 Anträgen sind 31 Projekte ausgewählt worden, die zukünftig die Entwicklung des Ostseeraum stimulieren… … Powered by WPeMatico