Day: September 22, 2018

Events – ‘Cultural and creative cities for all’- Knowledge Exchange Platform workshop – 11 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Are you curious to know how integrating immigrants can contribute to the revitalisation of historic centres? Do you want to discover the benefits of an inclusive and adaptive re-use of built heritage? Then come to the “Cultural and creative cities for all” workshop, which will highlight the importance of inclusive

Events – International Brokerage Event – Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies – 8 November 2018, Warsaw, Poland

This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2019 calls for proposals in Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020. Participants will have the possibility to join in a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of the

Research Headlines – Making sense of commitment

An EU-funded project is exploring what keeps people committed to a task even when they get bored, distracted or are tempted to stop. The findings could foster productivity-boosting strategies, improve robot-human interactions and even help treat borderline personality disorder. Powered by WPeMatico