Day: September 19, 2018

EU Contest for Young Scientists – 30th EU Contest for Young Scientists: and the winner is…

This year’s European Union’s top prizes for young scientists were awarded to siblings Adrian Fleck and Anna Amelie Fleck from Germany, Nicolas Fedrigo from Canada and Brendon Matusch from Canada.The winners were among 135 promising young scientists aged 14 to 20 from 38 countries and the European schools. Powered by

Events – Webinar – “Smart Cities and Communities”: Antragserfahrungen und Informationen aus laufenden Projekt – 20 September 2018

Mit Vertretern zweier laufender SCC-Projekte veranstaltet die Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie am 20. September ein Webinar zum Horizont 2020 Call “Smart Cities and Communities” für Februar 2019. Das Webinar richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Antragstellung in “Smart Cities and Communities” interessieren. Insbesondere Kommunen und kommunennahe Unternehmen, aber auch

Events – Beyond Lithium-Ion Workshop – 2 October 2018, Nice, France

The Beyond Lithium-Ion Workshop – From Current Research to Industrial Application is a unique high-level event organized by Leitat and Varta Microbatteries bringing together international speakers to show the evolution of post lithium-ion technologies. It will take place on October 2nd, 2018 at Nice Acropolis, France. This event will be

Events – C-BORD Final Public Workshop – 9 October 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Come and learn more about the modular system of new and enhanced technologies for the Non-Intrusive Inspection of cargo containers developed and tested by C-BORD. You will meet with developers from research and industry as well as customs practitioners to see how the complementary technologies work together to provide more

Research Headlines – Soil study digs deep to improve land management

Our soil is a vital environmental resource which is increasingly coming under threat. EU-funded research is assessing the impact of soil degradation on a range of ecosystem services to find ways of protecting and restoring soils across Europe. Powered by WPeMatico

Climate Action project applicants seek nearly €200 million from LIFE

Applicants have submitted 124 proposals for traditional LIFE projects under the Climate Action sub-programme in the 2018 funding round. The deadline for applications was Wednesday 12 September. Half (62) of the proposals are for Climate Change Mitigation projects, with 51 for Climate Change Adaptation projects and the remaining 11 for