Day: September 12, 2018

Research Headlines – Shaping the future of Europe’s energy policy

The transition toward clean, efficient and secure energy will require more than just technological innovation. An EU-funded project is applying research insights from across the social sciences and humanities to help guide European energy policy. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Infrastructures – European list of strategic research infrastructures expands into new areas

Biotechnology, food and nutrition, material testing, holocaust and natural environment are among the topics covered by the six new pan-European research infrastructure projects that were announced today as part of the 2018 roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The new roadmap was presented during a conference

New dynamic filter for EMJMD Catalogue

The old static table of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) has been replaced by a new dynamic filter. Students can now search by county, university and year allowing an easier navigation to the Masters courses offered by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD). Powered by WPeMatico

Commission proposes almost €4.7 million from the Globalisation Adjustment Fund to help dismissed workers in the clothing sector in Portugal

Today, the European Commission proposed to provide Portugal with almost €4.7 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help former workers in the clothing sector and several hundred young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) find new jobs. Powered by WPeMatico

Abruzzo: CRISI: SINDACATI, ”ABRUZZO NON PERDA OPPORTUNITA’ C… #CRISI #SINDACATI #amp39amp39ABRUZZO … #PESCARA – “La scelta della Regione Molise di aderire a una Zona economica speciale (Zes) interreg…

Abruzzo: CRISI: SINDACATI, ”ABRUZZO NON PERDA OPPORTUNITA’ C… #CRISI #SINDACATI #amp39amp39ABRUZZO … #PESCARA – "La scelta della Regione Molise di aderire a una Zona economica speciale (Zes) interreg… Powered by WPeMatico

Nuestro compañero @Jemenjor estuvo representando a @grpinnovaris en la Conferencia Transnacional “ECOTUR AZUL”, magnífica iniciativa y pronto se verán resultados de la misma. @Interreg_eu @INTERREGMAC @ONUMedioAmb @UNWTO @SEGITTUR @mincoturgob …

Nuestro compañero @Jemenjor estuvo representando a @grpinnovaris en la Conferencia Transnacional “ECOTUR AZUL”, magnífica iniciativa y pronto se verán resultados de la misma. @Interreg_eu @INTERREGMAC @ONUMedioAmb @UNWTO @SEGITTUR @mincoturgob … Powered by WPeMatico

Innovative Networking Session in Cannes organized by CCI Nice Côte d’Azur Chimera Partner

Following the Living Lab workshops of the European Chimera project, networking sessions were asked by the stakeholders. The French Riviera Chamber of Commerce and Insdustry with the French Riviera Film Commission will organized the 21th of September a great networking event dedicated to the audiovisual sector of the Alpes- Maritimes.