Day: September 4, 2018

Events – FOOD 2030: Research and Innovation for a #ZeroHunger World – 16 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

On the occasion of World Food Day 2018, FAO and the European Commission will organize an event hosted by MEP Mr. Paolo De Castro. The event is organized under the auspices of the European Parliamentary Alliance on the Fight against hunger and wil take place on 16th October 2018 at

Research Headlines – Boosting the fight against drug-resistant bacteria in hospitals

An EU- and industry-funded project has built an extensive public-private network to speed up the development of treatments to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause infections in intensive care units, helping address a major issue for hospitals. Powered by WPeMatico

Bringing PVC-free blood bags one step closer

Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden’s Jamtland region, a partner of the LIFE project PVCFreeBloodBag, is taking the next steps in its mission to create a new, safer blood bag. Powered by WPeMatico

Pays des #Condruses in Belgium, partner of @Bcanteens, already have a well-advanced sustainable #canteen system, providing trainings to unemployed people and distributing meals with 100 % #organic meat and 70% organic vegetables. @URBACT @gperole @SDS_lab

Pays des #Condruses in Belgium, partner of @Bcanteens, already have a well-advanced sustainable #canteen system, providing trainings to unemployed people and distributing meals with 100 % #organic meat and 70% organic vegetables. @URBACT @gperole @SDS_lab @ResiliaSolution Powered by WPeMatico

Collection of Good Practices for changing behaviour

A repository of good practices (GPs) for changing energy behavior has been created in the PRIORITEEs TOOLBOX  Partners, identified and collected good practices for changing behaviour. You are invited to  contribute with your good practices ! Share it with us in the form! Below there are 2 examples and later