Month: August 2018

Greening processed food production

The food processing industry’s biggest impact on the environment comes from cleaning and disinfection. While this is vital for food hygiene and safety, it consumes vast amounts of water, energy and chemicals. Cleaning and sanitisation also releases undesirable chemicals into the environment, and generates wastewater and greenhouse gases. Powered by

European Innovation Council – EIC pilot to invest €34 million in 14 innovative projects to help them enter the market faster

The European Commission will support 14 top-class projects to bring their innovations faster onto the market under the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot. Each project will receive around €2 million from the Fast Track to Innovation strand of the EIC pilot, funded under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation

Research Headlines – Molecular machines to green industry

An EU-funded project is developing potent molecular machines that could cut the costs and environmental impact of industries as diverse as healthcare, manufacturing and energy. This could bolster EU efforts to promote cleaner industrial processes. Powered by WPeMatico

Training fishermen to save sea turtles

Commercial fishing has unintended negative consequences for sea turtles. An estimated 200 000 turtles die every year in the Mediterranean after being accidentally caught in fishing nets. The Italian Marine Science Institute led a project called TARTALIFE to tackle unnecessary turtle deaths, focusing on the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in

Events – Horizon 2020 energy info day – 5 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

The Horizon 2020 Energy info day will take place on 5 October in Brussels, in the Charlemagne building. It will present the upcoming funding opportunities offered by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme to projects focusing on Smart Energy System and Smart Cities and Communities concepts (total budget: over €200 million).

Events – Europe’s Transformation: Where People Matter – Austrian Presidency Event – 14-15 November 2018, Vienna, Austria

The 4th International Growth in Transition Conference: ‘Europe’s Transformation: Where People Matter’, jointly organised by the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism and the Environment Agency Austria, will link up the transformative processes and power already taking effect within the particular participating institutions. The international conference is supported by 31

Events – Renewing the EU electricity grid: the Best Paths towards energy transition – 20 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium

The Conference “Renewing the EU electricity grid: the Best Paths towards energy transition” is the chance for energy professionals, policy makers, and researchers to discuss how to attain interconnected, efficient and optimised electricity grids, suitable for the integration of more renewables. We will also take a look at investment opportunities