Month: August 2018

Research Headlines – Museums strengthen links between Europe and the Americas

An EU-funded project is exploring the cultural, scientific and social dimensions of Europe4s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) through the study of museums. This should preserve community heritage and support EU-LAC cooperation. Powered by WPeMatico

Looking forward to facilitate the presentations of good practices in revitalising city centres by partner cities of @CityCentreDoc namely @AyuntamientoMDC, @gemeenteheerlen and @mestovalmez, and to listen to urban innovators such as @Antonin_Horin, @ccdheerlen and @dmurielalonso …

Looking forward to facilitate the presentations of good practices in revitalising city centres by partner cities of @CityCentreDoc namely @AyuntamientoMDC, @gemeenteheerlen and @mestovalmez, and to listen to urban innovators such as @Antonin_Horin, @ccdheerlen and @dmurielalonso … Powered by WPeMatico

In het recent verschenen Ondernemend Venlo Magazine wordt veel aandacht besteed aan de relatie met ons buurland. Zie onderstaande link. … …

In het recent verschenen Ondernemend Venlo Magazine wordt veel aandacht besteed aan de relatie met ons buurland. Zie onderstaande link. … … Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Electric cars: fast forward with plastic battery rack

Could the battery racks in electric cars be greener? Lighter? More affordable, and easier to assemble? Significant gains could be achieved and could help the deployment of such vehicles pick up the pace, say EU-funded researchers who have developed sophisticated housing made of plastic rather than metal. Powered by WPeMatico