Day: August 23, 2018

Research Headlines – EU-Africa… Time to unwrap compatible biobanking!

As more and more people travel and global warming paves the way for diseases to spread, human health and welfare are no longer the preserve of single countries, regions or even continents. European researchers teamed up with African partners to bridge the gap in biomedical research and biobanking practices between

Plant-fibre guardrails hit EU roads

An unusual sight now greets drivers travelling down the N272 in North Brabant, the Netherlands. One of the first bio-based safety guardrails installed in Europe lines a 20-metre stretch on both sides of the road. The construction replaces metal elements from conventional guardrails, notably substituting their environmentally problematic zinc oxide

Our Future Water Berlin Event invites all to be part of the journey towards #watersecurity #BerlinSciWeek18 @INTERREGTweets @CATCH_interreg @WRCities @IISD_Resilience @WaterJPI @eureau @eip_water @wsstpeu @bdew_ev @dwa_ev @wvgw_verlag @SenUVKBerlin @GermanEnvAgency

Our Future Water Berlin Event invites all to be part of the journey towards #watersecurity #BerlinSciWeek18 @INTERREGTweets @CATCH_interreg @WRCities @IISD_Resilience @WaterJPI @eureau @eip_water @wsstpeu @bdew_ev @dwa_ev @wvgw_verlag @SenUVKBerlin @GermanEnvAgency @German_RETech Powered by WPeMatico