Day: July 4, 2018

Research Headlines – Repairing cartilage damage with a little help from 3D printing

Roughly 151 million people worldwide suffer from osteoarthritis, meaning that they experience chronic pain, reduced mobility and limited quality of life. Attempts to repair cartilage thus far have offered limited functionality and only temporary pain reduction. The usual course of action is therefore to replace the entire joint, rather than

Research Headlines – Data mining the law

An EU-funded project is exploring how data-mining tools and artificial intelligence can efficiently analyse ever-expanding volumes of complex legal texts, legislation and case law. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Bright future for ‘chaotic’ optical communications

Ground-breaking developments using optomechanical crystals, microchips and ‘chaos’ pave the way for faster, safer and more robust digital communications. All this, thanks to the ongoing work of the EU-funded PHENOMEN project. Powered by WPeMatico

Working for the integrated assessment of cephalopods in @EU_MARE for the @CephsAndChefs meeting @INTERREGTweets project in Vigo during the @VigoSeaFest July 5-6 @ICES_ASC @ArviInnovapesca @IEOVigo @BarnacleHunt @aveiro @UniversidadeUSC @ICES_ASC @FAOfish …

Working for the integrated assessment of cephalopods in @EU_MARE for the @CephsAndChefs meeting @INTERREGTweets project in Vigo during the @VigoSeaFest July 5-6 @ICES_ASC @ArviInnovapesca @IEOVigo @BarnacleHunt @aveiro @UniversidadeUSC @ICES_ASC @FAOfish … Powered by WPeMatico