Day: June 23, 2018

Research Headlines – Better management and treatment of neurological diseases

Management and treatment of neurological diseases is one of the biggest challenges facing medicine today. EU-funded researchers are developing computational tools to improve understanding of how such diseases progress as a means to help treat patients. Powered by WPeMatico

Report @RTBF on cross border project to save the dunes supported by EU funds @InterregFWVL @RegioInterreg @EU_Regional @interregeurope @INTERREGTweets @CorinaCretuEU @hautsdefrance @EUROPEAMIENS @VLEVA @vlaamseoverheid @AgnesMONFRET @CocoDeBrux @ktowens …

Report @RTBF on cross border project to save the dunes supported by EU funds @InterregFWVL @RegioInterreg @EU_Regional @interregeurope @INTERREGTweets @CorinaCretuEU @hautsdefrance @EUROPEAMIENS @VLEVA @vlaamseoverheid @AgnesMONFRET @CocoDeBrux @ktowens … Powered by WPeMatico