Day: June 2, 2018

Events – Attraction of young people toward science – strategic wish of the knowledge society – 21-22 June 2018, Bucharest, Romania

The purpose of the workshop will be a good reason for the dissemination and promotion of scientific research, knowing the newest knowledge and approaches in the field of attracting young people toward science and raising the level of society awareness about the importance of scientific research and technological development. The

Events – Seizing the opportunities of circular economy in manufacturing – 20 June 2018, Brussels, Belgium

This event will investigate which barriers (financial, legislative, technological and non-regulatory) currently prevent companies from investing more in resource efficiency and what are the opportunities that this can bring for the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Experts will also present a range of solutions that can lead to substantial resource

Events – HBP School – The HBP Human Brain Atlas: Neuroscientific basis, tools and applications – 3-7 September 2018, Düsseldorf, Germany

This HBP School will teach neuroanatomy and cognitive function of the human brain, including hands-on dissection courses, and give an overview about selected methodologies used in the Human Brain Project (HBP) to investigate the structural and functional organisation of the human brain. Students will receive hands-on training on the handling

Research Headlines – New hope for children with thalassaemia

An international group of EU-funded researchers has investigated the safety and efficacy of using the drug deferiprone to treat children with the blood disorder beta-thalassaemia major. The news is good. Powered by WPeMatico

Solving the Italian beach litter mystery

Clean Sea Life sounded the alarm about millions of small plastic discs washing ashore in south-west Italy. The LIFE project is monitoring the situation, organising beach clean-ups, and using the incident to study the movement of marine litter. Powered by WPeMatico