Day: May 16, 2018

Events – Industry, Partnerships – a new impetus – 26 June 2018, Brussels

The aim of this conference is to : • Discuss the role of contractual partnerships with industry in the future• Develop a clear concept for these European partnerships under the “Horizon Europe” EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (2021-2027)• Focus on European industry-driven priorities in manufacturing, processing, construction, ICT

Events – Strenghtening China Europe Water Innovation Cooperation – 15 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

The coordination and support action PIANO (Policies, Innovation And Network for enhancing Opportunities for China-Europe water cooperation), funded by the EU programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 will present its main achievements in Brussels on 15 May 2018. The project conducted a comprehensive landscaping (mapping, scoring and ranking) of

Events – EaP Plus RDI Webinar 4: “Impact maximisation in R&I collaborative projects” – 24 May 2018

EaP Plus will hold the fourth webinar of the Research Developement and Innovation (RDI) webinar series. This time the focus will be on Impact Maximisation in Research and Innovation (R&I) collaborative projects (e.g. Horizon 2020). Powered by WPeMatico

Events – EaP Plus Horizon 2020 Webinar 3: “Horizon 2020 calls on Energy with September 2018 deadlines” – 17 May 2018

This webinar will deal with basic issues and Energy (important deadlines in September 2018) within Horizon 2020. It will be the third in a series of 11 webinars planned within the EaP PLUS project providing information on possibilities for EaP researchers and innovators in the Horizon 2020 program Powered by

Research Headlines – Turning waste into wastewater treatment

Water scarcity in the Mediterranean, South America, Africa… It is a growing global problem, as climate change pressure mounts and inefficiencies in water use and treatment continue, particularly in water-intensive industries. An EU-backed team – working with international partners – has developed an innovative, low-cost inorganic wastewater treatment using agricultural

Peer review on ‘Homelessness from a child’s perspective’, Brussels (Belgium), 27-28 June 2018

The peer review in Belgium will seek to highlight the key elements of an effective child homelessness strategy to ensure the well-being and rights of children currently without a home. Powered by WPeMatico

Mediterranean prosecutors unite against avian killing

Millions of birds are killed and trapped each year as they try to migrate between Europe and Africa. Prosecutors from 18 jurisdictions across the Mediterranean met in Segovia on 09 May to crack down on wildlife crime and bring organisations profiting from it to justice. Powered by WPeMatico

Safe passage for migrating geese

LIFE-funded conservationists have put an end to the local killing of red-breasted geese (Branta ruficollis) in Bulgaria. They are now spreading their measures across the migration path of the threatened species to safely guide it home. Powered by WPeMatico

LIFE 2018 Call: application packages corrigendum

The application packages for LIFE Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency, LIFE Environmental Governance and Information have been updated with a Corrigendum correction of the guidance in the Form A2 regarding affiliates, in both sections 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 of the Guidelines for applicants 2018. We kindly advice all

El llamamiento de propuestas para la IV convocatoria del programa Interreg Europa está abierto hasta el 22 de junio • … via @ESMARTCITY_ES

El llamamiento de propuestas para la IV convocatoria del programa Interreg Europa está abierto hasta el 22 de junio • … via @ESMARTCITY_ES Powered by WPeMatico