Day: February 16, 2018

Research Headlines – Tackling big data challenges in shades of grey

EU-funded researchers have assisted in the development of China’s first commercial passenger plane by applying data mining concepts that overcome the challenge of working with limited and incomplete information. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Towards a European approach on Industrial Infrastructures for Research and Innovation – 1 March 2018, Auditorium ground floor, Covent Garden 2 – Place Rogier 16, 1210, Brussels, Belgium

This workshop aims mainly at discussing about the future role of Industrial Infrastructures for Research and Innovation. The following specific issues will be addressed: – Industry needs from Industrial Research and Innovation infrastructures will be discussed from the different types of potential users – General overview about already existing initiatives

New features of the LIFE Multiannual Work Programme 2018-2020

In 2018, projects applying for funding under LIFE’s sub-programme for environment will, for the first time, submit proposals through a two-phase selection procedure. The move is designed to simplify administrative steps and save applicants time. It is one among many updates set out to streamline the LIFE programme in its

EU solidarity at work: Commission offers financial aid to France, Greece, Spain and Portugal following natural disasters

European Commission – Press release Brussels, 15 February 2018 Today the Commission proposes to give €104 million from the Solidarity Fund to four EU Member States that were hit by natural disasters in 2017. This is a concrete delivery on the Juncker Commission’s promise to offer more than condolences when…

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un atelier de travail, le 20 février au MarsMedialab , 18 rue Colbert à Marseille, organisé dans le cadre du projet Interreg COWORKMED. qui a pour objet d’étudier les pratiques de coworking dans cinq pays européens… 

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un atelier de travail, le 20 février au MarsMedialab , 18 rue Colbert à Marseille, organisé dans le cadre du projet Interreg COWORKMED. qui a pour objet d’étudier les pratiques de coworking dans cinq pays européens…  Powered by WPeMatico