Day: January 16, 2018

Events – MaX Conference on the Materials Design Ecosystem at the Exascale – 29-31 January 2018, Trieste, Italy

MaX Conference on the Materials Design Ecosystem at the Exascale: High-Performance and High-Throughput Computing. ICTP, Trieste (IT) 29-31/01/2018. Materials are crucial to scientific and technological advances and industrial competitiveness, and to tackle key societal challenges — from energy and environment to healthcare, information and communications, manufacturing, safety and transportation. Computational

Events – H2020 Project Clustering Workshop – 31 January 2018, Athens, Greece

This workshop is organized by the ReCRED project aiming at establishing tight connections with more than 20 relative H2020 projects in the fields of e-privacy and cybersecurity and on various topics such as Access Control, Trust e-Services, Cybersecurity in IoT and Cybersecurity in Social Media. Project descriptions together with the

Research Headlines – A close eye on suicidality in the young

Are there medicines that could destroy a young person’s will to live? An EU-funded project has developed a suite of web-based tools to shed new light on suicidality in children and teenagers, with an emphasis on any risks arising from medication. It has also produced a predictive system to identify

Call for proposals: Support for European cooperation projects 2018 – Supplementary budget template available for MAC users

A budget template in .ods format is now available for MAC users applying to the Call for proposals EACEA/32/2017 Support for European cooperation projects 2018. Available in the ‘Annexes’ tab on the call for proposals page. Powered by WPeMatico

Gent wil tewerkstelling in haven “digital future proof” maken: Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland heeft het “Skills Navigator”-project goedgekeurd. Vanaf deze maand zet dat project drie jaar in op de betere aansluiting van vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt.… 

Gent wil tewerkstelling in haven “digital future proof” maken: Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland heeft het “Skills Navigator”-project goedgekeurd. Vanaf deze maand zet dat project drie jaar in op de betere aansluiting van vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt.…  Powered by WPeMatico

International Peacebuilding Forum March 8 2018 @skainos Belfast For further information @Inter_Arch @BCouncil_NI @colin_davidson @ryanm72 @KarenDouglas_NI @NicholaMallon @NIYF @PPR_Org @PatrickCorrigan @corrymeela – Please share and

International Peacebuilding Forum March 8 2018 @skainos Belfast For further information @Inter_Arch @BCouncil_NI @colin_davidson @ryanm72 @KarenDouglas_NI @NicholaMallon @NIYF @PPR_Org @PatrickCorrigan @corrymeela – Please share and retweet Powered by WPeMatico

EU budget post-2020: EP draft opinion suggests higher ceiling for expenditure (1.3% of GNI instead of “1.1%+x”), 7 years’ period (2021-27), and an increase for the EU’s research programme (EUR 120 bn for EU27 instead of 80 for EU28) … @EU_Budget

EU budget post-2020: EP draft opinion suggests higher ceiling for expenditure (1.3% of GNI instead of “1.1%+x”), 7 years’ period (2021-27), and an increase for the EU’s research programme (EUR 120 bn for EU27 instead of 80 for EU28) … @EU_Budget @EP_Budgets Powered by WPeMatico