Day: September 23, 2017

Research Headlines – Diving deeper to find answers to climate questions

EU-funded researchers are reconstructing how the chemical composition of the world’s sea water evolved, using brachiopod shells. Their findings should advance understanding of recent changes to our climate. Powered by WPeMatico

Success Stories – Solar scientists gather to calibrate the sun’s strength

How much solar power does a photovoltaic solar power unit produce? The answer isn’t obvious. The strength of sunshine changes depending where you are in the world and what time of day it is, affecting the energy output of solar panels and cells. Powered by WPeMatico

Northern bald ibis project has illegal hunters in its sights

An innovative LIFE project is working to protect the critically endangered northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) from illegal hunting during its annual migration this autumn. Led by the NGO Waldrappteam, the species reintroduction project LIFE Northern Bald Ibis – Reason for Hope is focusing efforts on the prevention of illegal

Applicants seek more than €1 billion in EU funding from LIFE

The European Commission has received 629 proposals for environment and climate protection projects by the LIFE programme’s deadlines in September 2017. Applicants come from all 28 EU Member States and request more than €1 billion in EU funding – four times the available budget (which is some €254 million). Powered