Day: July 25, 2017

Research Headlines – Promoting pioneering food-processing technology

By overcoming the bottlenecks and barriers hindering market uptake of innovative food-processing technologies, the EU-funded i3-Food project aims to reduce food waste and improve the quality and shelf life of products. Powered by WPeMatico

Success Stories – Room to manoeuvre – solving the airspace capacity crunch

Stories of new applications for unmanned aircraft are now regular features in newspapers – from aerial photography to parcel delivery and personalised air transport. What seemed like a surreal future-scape just 10 years ago is fast becoming reality. The challenge is how to keep all these aircraft away from each

この微妙な時に微妙なメンバーでEUの越境協力プロジェクトが進行中。アイルランド・北アイルランド・スコットランドの間で海洋バイオエネルギーの探査研究プロジェクト。EU Interreg VA program funds …

この微妙な時に微妙なメンバーでEUの越境協力プロジェクトが進行中。アイルランド・北アイルランド・スコットランドの間で海洋バイオエネルギーの探査研究プロジェクト。EU Interreg VA program funds … Powered by WPeMatico