Day: July 21, 2017

Research Headlines – Unique training at physics-maths-life sciences interface

A group of 15 early-stage researchers are receiving training at the interface between physics, applied mathematics and life sciences, providing them with unique skills of value to both industry and academia. The knowledge gained will be integrated to create a single software package. Powered by WPeMatico

Success Stories – Domestic fuel cells: the power within

Why buy electricity from the grid when you can produce it affordably yourself – and heat your home at the same time? And reduce your environmental footprint? And possibly even save money? Why indeed. Residential fuel cell units could deliver these benefits to millions of homes in the EU, and

WASP-Tool creating local waste prevention buzz across Europe

The LIFE project, WASP Tool (LIFE10 ENV/GR/000622) has now made its waste prevention support tool for local authorities available in English, as well as Greek. The free web-based decision support system, dubbed WASP-Tool, was developed by the Harokopio University of Athens and partners to enable local authorities to select and