Day: June 28, 2017

Research Headlines – Model approach to organic fish farming

Organic aquaculture production is much in demand, but some traditional fish farmers may need guidance on how to make the switch. The ECOFISH project is developing a model and guide that provide just that, helping to set producers on the path to sustainability and added value. Powered by WPeMatico

MoorLIFE2020 campaign brings moorland experience to local towns

The MoorLIFE2020 (LIFE14 NAT/UK/000070) project will give people a virtual moor experience later this year, when it tours its ‘Bogstatic Van’ through the towns of the English Peak District and South Pennines, later this year. The LIFE project is protecting active blanket bog habitat within the South Pennine Moors’ Natura

76 modular projects eligible for 1st evaluation phase of the 2nd call

76 proposals out of 96, were considered eligible, 18 not eligible and two considered not submitted (the annexes were not received). All candidates will be notified of this decision by e-mail in the coming weeks. By the end of September, the Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee will select those that