Day: June 23, 2017

Events – 2nd HBP Young Researchers Event: Integrating neuroscience data into models and simulations – 12-13 September 2017, Geneva, Switzerland

The 2nd Young Researchers Event (YRE) 2017 is hosted by the Human Brain Project (HBP) and organised by young researchers within the HBP. It will take place in Geneva on 12-13 September and is immediately followed by the in-depth CodeJam on 13-15 September. This year’s theme is integrating neuroscience data

Events – Agrimax stakeholder workshop: business models for new supply chains to create value from agri-food waste – 28 September 2017, Lleida, Spain

This one-day stakeholder workshop will develop business models for new supply chains to valorise agricultural and food-processing waste. Inviting farmers, agricultural cooperatives, food producers, investors and other interested stakeholders, we will use the business model canvas to map existing and innovative ways to create, deliver and capture value for the

Events – “Cities of the Future 2017” International Brokerage Event – 26-27 October 2017, Brussels, Belgium

The EU-funded project “Turkey In Horizon 2020” and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) have the honour to invite you to the “Cities of the Future 2017” International Brokerage Event. The event will target the following Horizon 2020 calls: • “Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities” and “Energy

Research Headlines – From farm to flight

Biofuels for aviation face numerous challenges in the journey from farm to flight. An EU-funded project has successfully demonstrated via test flights how biofuel can enter the aviation supply chain as a greener alternative to fossil fuels. Thousands of passengers have already taken flight on biofuel. Powered by WPeMatico

LIFE conference explores private funding options for Natura 2000 network

Public-private partnerships could be the answer to the lack of funding for the protection and management of Natura 2000 network sites, according to a recent conference organised by the LIFE Stymfalia project (LIFE12 NAT/GR/000275). The objective of the conference Business and Biodiversity in Natura 2000 sites: the way forward which