Day: June 21, 2017

Research Headlines – How producing clever metal parts can cut industry costs

An EU-funded project has helped to turn a promising method of producing metal parts for cars, planes and tools into a mainstream industrial process. The project has put in place a functioning supply chain and identified best practices that will enable manufacturers to deliver high-end products in a cost-effective manner.

Press statement by Commissioners Avramopoulos and Thyssen on the launch of the EU Skills Profile Tool for non-EU citizens

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 20 June 2017 Remarks by Commissioner Avramopoulos Dear all, Today, on World Refugee Day, we think of the more than 65 million people that are displaced globally because of war or persecution. Powered by WPeMatico

Questions and Answers on the EU Skills Profile Tool for non-EU Nationals

European Commission – Fact Sheet Brussels, 20 June 2017 On the occasion of the United Nations’ World Refugee Day, the European Commission is today releasing the ‘EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals’. See IP/17/1603 Why has the Commission introduced this tool? Non-EU nationals (migrants from non-EU countries) can actively…

Integration: New Skills Profile tool to help non-EU nationals enter the labour market

European Commission – Press release Brussels, 20 June 2017 On the occasion of the United Nations’ World Refugee Day, the European Commission is today releasing the ‘EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals’. It is an off – and online web editor that will make it possible for non-EU nationals…