Month: June 2017

Research Headlines – Reshaping aquaculture with healthier, cleaner ocean farms

An innovative start-up is finalising the development of open-ocean fish farming technology that could reshape the global aquaculture industry, enabling farmers to raise larger quantities of fish in healthier, more natural conditions while minimising environmental impacts. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Origins of the (stone fruit) species

As global competition for fresh and processed fruit increases, breeders and producers also have to deal with the effects of climate change and more pathogens, especially sharka disease, appearing in their orchards. EU-funded research traced the origins of stone fruits to discover genetic clues for better disease resistance. Powered by

Events – eStandards Final Conference – 26-27 June 2017, Brussels, Belgium

The eStandards consortium is pleased to announce the eStandards Final Conference. This two-day event will take place in Brussels hosted by CEN TC251 at the CEN-CENELEC premises, Avenue Marnix 17, on June 26-27, 2017. You are invited to think of a global eHealth ecosystem where we all enjoy timely safe

European Health Insurance Card: 40% of insured Europeans have one

More than 200 million Europeans have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which is around 40% of the total insured population in the reporting Member States, according to the latest available figures for 2015. The card is valid in the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Powered