Since the beginning of March, PANORAMED has implemented a short thematic campaign aiming at increasing awareness and understanding of mainstreaming processes in the Mediterranean region, while at the same time contributing to its streamlining in the new 2021-2027 programming period.

As main results, PANORAMED has created a new Factsheet on Mainstreaming Methodology, which was designed in a synthethic, user-friendly manner to provide guidance, tips and practical solutions to those who are envisaging to set-up a mainstreaming process.

In parallel, PANORAMED showcased the main lessons learnt of some key mainstreaming experiments conducted in two Mediterranean regions: Comunidad Valenciana and Région SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, by conducting interviews to key experts involved in the project.

Support to Horizontal and Strategic Projects Capitalisation Activities

At present, bilateral exchanges with Horizontal and Strategic Projects are on progress, focused on planning preliminary results capitalisation activities. Following these discussions, the 4th collective meeting will take place on June 22nd.

Two main themes will be discussed during this collective meeting:

  • The method of selecting the relevant outputs for the transfer and mainstreaming approaches
  • The mobilisation of the takers

The last collective meeting should take place in the first quarter of 2022. An individual assistance of 3 days per project is also expected to be provided during the period 2021-2022.

Work with the Marche Région

The Marche Region has set up a support process for Italian partners of Strategic Projects for their capitalisation actions. The aim of this initiative is to propose guidelines, in accordance with the WP9 support given to strategic and horizontal projects, for their mainstreaming activities. In this context, it offers a three-step action plan on supporting strategic projects:

  • Internal meetings in each country, between the Country Coordinators (CC) and the partners and stakeholders of the Strategic Projects, with the aim of deepen the integration experiences developed in different areas and to identify future corrective actions able to guide the administrative, procedural and implementation process. It is also expected to involve local partners of the Horizontal projects to maximize the efficacy of the activity.
  • National events to be organized in each involved country with the presentation of the results of the internal meetings, in collaboration with each Panoramed CC and the projects partners of the Strategic Projects.
  • International event led by Region SUD in collaboration with Marche Region (It) with the presentation and dissemination of the results of the different national events developed in each country.

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