Webinar Greening your event

Have you ever wondered how to reduce your event ecological impact? How can you ensure your next event will have the lightest impact on the environment? Have you thought about raising awareness and training your participants to the best practices?

You regularly organise meetings, workshops and seminars gathering many stakeholders from diverse countries in the frame of your projects. Those events have necessarily an impact on the environment,  involving choices affecting from food to accommodation to transports. There are many aspects to our meetings which might add pressure to the number of threats and impacts supported by our Mediterranean venues and ecosystems.

We encourage you to start a shift and improve your event organisational skills towards more ecological and sustainable behaviour:

Join the Interreg Med Webinar  
“Greening your event”, 10th July from 10.00 am to 11.30 am.

Get the best tips on food and catering, resources and waste, venues and energy consumption, locations and accommodation, travel options and transport, and local economy and community involvement.

Share your own advice and best practices too and ask your questions to our experts from the Horizontal projects. We have prepared an agenda aiming to feature all the Interreg Med Communities – so please tell the MPs in your community about this, send us your suggestions, lessons learnt from your projects… and new ideas to incorporate.

Let’s be the change we want to see in our projects events!

To register to this webinar, click on the link below:

Once registered, you will receive the necessary information to connect and the proposed guidelines a few days before the webinar .

Follow the #MedGreenEvent campaign and download the agenda:


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