VINA-Validating Informal and Non-Formal Acquired skills represents a partnership between 5 organizations from 5 EU member countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Poland and the United Kingdom) and it aims at promoting non-formal and informal education, as well as specific tools, in addition to growing awareness regarding recognizing the importance of informal and non-formal learning.
The project will provide information regarding how to access adult learning services. This purpose will be achieved by realizing a database that will evaluate and describe tools regarding informal and non-formal education. Also, the project will address the issue regarding the quality of the information.
Furthermore, VINA project wants to tackle and solve the following aspect: nowadays, an adult who is eager to validate the competences that he has acquired through non-formal and informal education encounters a range of problems because of the lack of access to appropriate tools. In other words, these tools exist, but they suffer from lack of possibility of implementation. With the aid of the VINA project, useful recommendations will be provided for users. Each partner organization from the 5 different countries will have a set of tasks and responsibilities to be achieved.
The target group of the project is represented by educators, lecturers and other users who need to update their skills in the field of informal and non-formal education, in order to meet the requirements for optimally working in the 21st century.
At the kick-off meeting in Italy, the 5 partners discussed the VINA project in details, including actions on budget, dissemination, Database instrument and the ROTA validation analyser.
Main tasks and responsibilities of our company, European Development Agency, are:
- Coordinate internal and external evaluation of the project;
- Attend the foreseen transnational meetings (two people for each meeting);
- Support partners in the implementation of all the foreseen activities;
- Organise 1 multiplier event in Czech Republic.
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