Update of Programme reference documents

The Factsheets of the Programme Manual “Partners co-financing and location of project activities” and “Eligibility of expenditure” and the FLC certificate have been updated in order to make them clearer and to better support partners, FLC and future applicants.

Here are the key changes:

Regarding the factsheet “Eligibility of expenditure”, some minor modifications have been included in order to make it more user friendly and to avoid possible misunderstanding (inclusion of reference to other factsheets or programme documents, rewording or clarifications, based on frequently asked questions of partners, change of the layout examples and audit trail list (staff).

Additionally, some eligibility rules have been updated and clarified:

  • A reminder regarding the closing date for costs relating to the Programme’s operations has been included. This information is already foreseen in article 4.8 of the Subsidy Contract.
  • In the case of the eligibility of overtime, a reference has been included to national eligibility rules. It means that from now on, for overtime costs not certified, their eligibility will depend on national eligibility rules. 
  • For the calculation of the staff cost using Method C (Part-time assignment with a flexible number of hours worked on the project per month), it would be possible to extrapolate the employment costs of at least 3 consecutive months to a 12 month period for the establishment of the “latest documented annual gross employment costs”. This possibility has been provided for personnel who have worked less than twelve consecutive months prior to the certification of staff costs (e.g. for staff employed by the beneficiary as from less than 12 months, or in sick or maternity leave at some point during the last 12 months).

Those new rules would be applicable to expenditure certified from now on!

Regarding the factsheet “Partners co-financing and location of project activities”, more detail about the definition of the “Programme space” as well as on how to make the difference between costs inside/outside the programme area have been included. 

In this sense, kindly remember that for more information on the reporting of the expenditure through Synergie CTE, please refer to the Synergie guide “How to enter an expenditure in Synergie CTE”.

Finally, the wording of some questions of the FLC certificate has been modified to better understand its meaning. Questions concerned are the following ones:  4.3.2; 4.4.7; 4.5.8; 4.5.10; 4.5.11; 4.5.12; 4.16.1-6; 4.7.10-18; 4.9.10; 4.10.8 et 10; 4.11.2-4.


New version of the factsheets

New template of FLC certificates & checklist

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