This is europe : Episode about CAMARG now available!

The podcast, especially created last year to celebrate Interreg’s 30th birthday, has the ambition to demonstrate how Interreg contributes to cultivate unity across a region with such a diverse mix of culture, language and heritage. Broadcaster Shahidha Bari brings to life the stories of collaboration and cooperation from across the continent that have changed the lives of many of Europeans. 

On 22 September, the first episode called “Culture in crisis” was released and showcased another one of our projects : Chebec. If you haven’t listened to it yet, click here!

Today, episode 3 “Feeding Our Future Generations” will mention another one of Interreg MED’s project : CAMARG. It will showcase two other European  projects : Bio-Canteens by URBACT and REFRAME by Interreg North-Sea Region. You will hear stories about local food initiatives that can start a revolution in what we put on our plate. Check it out here! 

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