UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is looking for a graphic facilitator for the promotion and the graphic harvesting of three one-hour-conferences organised by the Interreg MED Programme at the COP27, the UN Climate Change Conference 2022 that will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh, 7-18 November 2022, in hybrid format.
For this occasion, UNIMED would like to hire a graphic facilitator for the live graphic harvesting during the conferences. The appointed graphic facilitator will attend online the three one-hour conferences and draw live the key concepts of the interventions. For the moment it is not possible to know exactly the date and time of the agenda, but we know that the conferences will be between the 6 and 18 November 2022, and not during the weekend. It is most likely that by the beginning of September the agenda will be fixed.
The contract is carried out in the framework of the Sustainable Tourism project, an Interreg MED Initiative launched in November 2016 that will be operative until December 2022, whose main mission is to promote sustainable tourism solutions in the Mediterranean coastal areas.
Offers should be sent to uni-med@ by 05/09/2022 at 06:00pm (see below for details). The total value of the contract shall not exceed 5.000 €. pec.it
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