Sustainable Blue Economy – DG MARE events

“To be truly green, we must also think blue”

The Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries – DG MARE has identified smart specialisation strategies (S3) as a key tool to implement the Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy adopted in May 2021.

In coordination with DG REGIO, DG MARE has recently launched the smart specialisation platform for sustainable blue economy and is organising a series of brokerage events to promote smart specialisation interregional partnerships and blue economy value chains.

These events will support matchmaking activities in order to:

  • facilitate blue economy stakeholders’ networking and exchange
  • promote the definition of stakeholders’ complementarities and synergies in terms of interregional value chains/partnerships
  • support exchange of potential partnership ideas and expression of interest
  • share best practices and lessons learned on S3 interregional partnerships set up and implementation 

The first two events will be respectively on:

       BLUE BIOTECHNOLOGIES – 9/05, Barcelona
Registration link and agenda 

       MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGIES – 10/05, Santander / online
Registration link and agenda 

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