The result of the project is the elaboration of a series of documents (market studies, socio-economic studies, territorial studies etc.) including framework analysis, quantitative analysis, social benefits report, transnational and SWOT analysis both at territorial and transnational levels.
During the project’s lifetime, we have organized 5 local and regional workgroups, simultaneously with the transregional workshops, under the coordination of each regional partner. The main goal was to produce thematic factsheets that will provide input for study activity and the final guidelines, and also physically incarnate COWORKMED community and manage the growing transnational community by ensuring transferability of good practice.
In parallel with local & regional workgroups and transregional workshops, six thematic webinars had been carried out with the specific objectives to ensure interaction with thematic expert guests from the different background/countries and stimulate the partnership’s internal communication in a community building and management approach.
The end of the project and its main results were presented at the final conference held in Zagreb on April 12. The successful event gathered more than 80 participants, with a special emphasis on the future of coworking in the Mediterranean.
Project’s results were created through numerous hours of research during the project implementation and they will be a foundation for guidelines directed at European as well as local decision-makers in order to recognize how coworking contributes to the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean area.
All the publications are available on this webpage: https://coworkmed.interreg-med.eu/what-we-achieve/deliverable-database/
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