SISMA SET Tool is already available!. The SISMA SET Tool is ready to be used. Register here and a message will pop up for you to download the tool for free. It is available in Bosnian, English, French, Greek, Italian, Slovenian and Spanish.
The model, that is composed by an Excel® file and by a set of guidelines for its compilation, would support public authorities in better using resources available for renovation of public buildings.
Including few data about the building, such as the year of construction, thermal and electrical demands and the proposed types of investments, the tool gives a snapshot on the minimum amount of public subsidy needed to activate financial mechanisms, such as the EPC, and consider the investment “bankable” for the private market.
In addition, the clear definition of the complete process (from initial audit to commissioning and M&V-Measurement & Verification, compliant with ICP International protocols) helps local public authorities in identifying “lighter” and easiest tendering procedures, and in prioritizing investments.
This is the SISMA tool: a guidance for local public authorities for better planning investments on deep renovation in public buildings, without the need of deep technical expertise and without submission of huge amounts of data.
Watch this video to understand how SISMA SET can help you.
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